It takes a village to get a company to market.

Syndication partners are that village for Keiretsu Forum. As a member of Keiretsu Forum, you have the ability to engage with our syndication partners to support your current investments or potential investments. The resources they have to offer are many and every partner specializes in something different. Whether you are looking for an angel group to syndicate your investment opportunity or how to engage your female founders in a forum that provides support, we have the partners you are looking for. 



Thank You To Our Sponsors


Akoto Recruiting

Listo Global

Aeon Law

Negotiations Ninja

Big Red Jelly


Syndication Partners


Frontier Angels


Hawaii Angels

Hera Angels

Houston Angel Network

Lehigh Angel Investors

Lubbock Angel Network

New Mexico Angels


Nola Angel Network

Park City Angels

Puget Sound Venture Club

Rockies Venture Club

Sierra Angels

South Coast Angel Network

Swan Venture Group

Ten Capital Network

Texas Halo Fund

Vantec Angels

Virtual Angels Network

WUTIF Capital

Seattle Angel Conference

Beacon Angels

Angel Venture Fair

757 Angels

Arizona Tech Investors

Mossy Ventures

Expert Dojo

Cowtown Angels

Healthcare Equity Angels

Front Row Ventures

HealthTech Capital

Gopher Angels

Marion Street Capital

US Angels

KYTO Technology & Life Science Inc.


TCA Venture Group

Bellingham Angel Investors

Healthcare Angels

Third Tuesday @ Three


Alamo Angels

Angel Syndication Network

Portola Valley Partners


Denver Angels

Zen Launchpad

Desert Angels

Horned Frog Investment Network



Kite Company Creator

W Collective

Sacramento Angels

Seattle Angels

Angel Star Ventures

Central Texas Angel Network

Gulf South Angels

Mid America Angels