Entrepreneurs Membership Benefits
The entrepreneur administrative fee is a one-time expense paid by entrepreneurs per chapter to offset the significant expense of our full-time staff and offices as well as the ongoing administrative, venue and catering costs involved in holding our Forum meetings every month.
Keiretsu Forum does not invest like a venture fund with the benefit of a management fee and profit on investments made. Rather, we are a facilitation service that creates a very structured environment where entrepreneurs have a high quality and well-organized interaction with our investor members who make their own investment decisions on an individual basis following the presentations. Only those entrepreneurs who make it past our intensive pre-screening filters and present to our members at our Forum meet are required to pay the administrative fee.
On average, over 75% of our presenting companies receive funding which is a very high ratio. For successful entrepreneurs who receive capital from our members, this flat fee is a nominal charge (especially when compared to investment banking fees which represent a percentage of funds sourced.) Our organization provides an objective and unbiased Forum for our members and presenters and does not take any stock, warrants or other commissions in connection with fundings or new business that occur at our meetings that benefit our presenters.
For entrepreneurs who don't receive funding from our members, we provide a great deal of valuable resources, relationships, feedback and coaching along the way (see below).
Entrepreneurs who come to us have the opportunity to present to our highly collaborative network of accredited investors. Keiretsu Forum members have invested more than $800 million in approximately 1,200Â companies. As mentioned above, an average of over 75% of the presenters who make it through our intensive screening process to our Forum meetings receive funding. However, the extensive resources provided by our highly collaborative and well-connected network of members often greatly exceeds the value of receiving just capital (see below).
Keiretsu Forum provides more than just capital. Our network of well-connected members offers our presenters valuable resources, relationships and vital feedback in addition to providing a structured process to present to our high-net worth investors. Many of our presenters have received important introductions to new customers and strategic partners as well as to prospective new team members.
We offer our presenters a free coaching session during the weeks leading up to the Forum presentation. This coaching session greatly increases your chances to attract investment from our members because you will learn to: 1) present your company in a format which is familiar to our members; 2) identify and avoid red flags that can undermine your chances for success; and 3) help you structure your PowerPoint and presentation to maximize the brief time you have to present at the Forum. Many of our presenting companies have credited the coaching we've provided them for their success in raising capital from our members.
Additionally, we assist you with managing the due diligence process, an often daunting task that we help to make simple. For many entrepreneurs, extended due diligence periods can eat up valuable time and related delays can be very frustrating. We facilitate this process by announcing follow-up due diligence teleconferences and company updates to our entire membership so that presenters gain maximum reach to our investor network.
Well beyond the Forum presentations, we regularly assemble our portfolio companies for a special roundtable discussion where our funded entrepreneurs can share needs and resources with the support and participation of our members and Keiretsu Management. This open collaboration is extremely valuable to our portfolio companies who can make great strides in executing on their business plans. Even a single Roundtable meeting can result in the introduction of prospective customers, possible team members, strategic partners and additional investors.
You may contact our portfolio companies to discuss the process of presenting to Keiretsu Forum and what your can expect from the experience. Many CEO's have successfully raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from our members as well as many resources that Keiretsu offers to presenters beyond just capital. Entrepreneur references are available upon request.
Keiretsu Forum is committed to creating win-win relationships between our investor members and the entrepreneurs who come to us. You are also welcome to attend one of our Forum meetings as our guest to observe our unique process before deciding to present. Just let us know which meeting you would like to attend. Thanks for your interest in Keiretsu Forum!